
September Championship Winners

Merry Christmas Posted on 14 Dec 2020, 21:44 in [SKC] Clan News

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It's been a while since I wanted to make this message, so better not restrain that desire anymore.

I joined MTA in 2008, and after only 1 month became SKC without even a trial.

Had the luck to even meet some of us during the years, and with some of us even to start a talk more personal than simple gaming.
But overall the luckiest thing I had was this: have fun.

...while playing overnight with Plodders & SyS in empty server by ramming each other...
...while arriving always 3rd on race in monthly championship...
...during the good times with Hans (rip) and Kristiant on DD server...
...with the "english humor" of HT, sputs & dop3...
...by learning how to make videos inspired by TD Mystic ones...
...by playing like a noob on purpose while random players were in, to encourage to win and continue instead of pwning them hard...
...on map editor being addicted to mapping...
...by meeting IRL SyS, TD, Whiskey, MC, Botn, Lorde...
...in coming back from mta-race to mta 1.0 starting organizing events...
...with my beloved Followers on race...
...in changing the gravity & game speed on DD server, during happy times...
...during nights passed on DM simply listening music and talking to others...
...and by doing the same with Rich & the old followers gang in 2011/3...
...no, more, a lot of fun with MrBrown in almost everything possible in this game...
...with AcidbRain trying to always develop new things...
...in coming back in 2019 just to say hello (expecially thanks to AyyGor)...
...by discovering how much humble and silent effort Botder putted into this server....
...by having code-lessons from LosFaul and his enthusiasm...
...by knowing new peoples again...
...in making comeback peoples who lefted only because they got offended on trivial things...
...on organizing again events not this time for competition, but simply to stay togheter and have fun in unusual ways...
...in looking at all the peoples that putted a shitton of effort in making again this clan active: Ayy, Frank, Confu, Bib, Zeit, Unky, Hawa, XyZ, Deag, Nano, Tom, Ryu.... simply to quote some...
...when I had a big laugh years ago by reading Whiskey saying "Am feeling into a kindergarden" and then later I felt the same thing...
...in overtakes the countless drama we periodically have (as any big and old clan)...
...by looking the eternal soap opera Frank & Ryan...
...when Virus told me he was in my hometown in Italy exactly when I was at 1600km from there...
...in finally having Rogalik in SKC...
...by looking at Bump, SyS son, who I had in my arms when he was almost 1 year old, now being an active player here (zomg time flies!)...
...by looking our old dinosaurs playing again into a tournament all togheter, putting their competitive ass in play...
...by seeing so many peoples having the desire to give a meaning to their presence here...
...in respecting peoples, despite their reputation or choices, because I didn't wanted to stop on their behaviours...
...during scribbl.io evenings all togheter...
...in general... I had fun... and I still find the fun here....

My approach to all this is simple: "As long there's at least 1 person worth my presence, I'll be there for him.".

So in this 2020 christmas I wish to say a super dupa giga big gargantuan THANKS to everyone, from past to present...
...anyone who knows me is aware of one my sentence "My main goal is to keep contacts alive peoples, to not lose each other, because is already a gift being still here after all these years.... 14 if am not mistaken...

Merry Christmas SKC :)

Am pretty sure I can continue forever with this list.... so I ask YOU all to continue it for me...

Comments (10)

New Co-leader Posted on 12 Nov 2020, 01:22 in [SKC] Clan News

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Give a warm CONGRATULATIONS to B!ber as new co-leader, who will assist me and SyS in this path. :)

Comments (7)

New Logo Posted on 07 Apr 2020, 01:54 in Server and Site News

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Good evening, comrades,
Your leaders think our logo needs an upgrade. Docki wants to keep the shark, so as leader of the SKC clan we will respect him.
That doesn't mean we cant bring our shark from 200. to 2020! Lets improve it
So am challenging all of you SKC and not SKC to do a SKC shark "lifting"
Be audacious and original :mrgreen:
The best creator from our new SKC Shark Logo will have an award.

Comments (17)

Forum Maintenance closure Posted on 23 Feb 2020, 11:47 in Server and Site News

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Forum Registration is CLOSED for maintenance until new date.
Time to clean up the forum from the spreading spambot.

If you need an account, please contact me or another admin by giving us:
- a nickname
- a working email

I will create the account for you.

For your info: we're about to change the forum software soon, so we suggest to wait until that happens... but no problems if you wish an account now for any reason.

Comments (2)

Time to pass on the torch... Posted on 21 Feb 2020, 22:47 in [SKC] Clan News

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It's been a hell of a ride but all good things must come to an end. I'm not nearly active enough to be a clan leader.
After 13 !! years it's time to pass on the reigns of SKC to someone else.

Fuck polls, my final act as clan leader is to appoint my Italian fratello Dockinoke as your new overlord!
He's already been the de facto leader for a couple of months. Now it's official!

Love you all <3


Comments (22)

Top 5 Race
1. [TK]Gvnn97 177.65
2. [TK]Messiah 153.7
3. SackoGtc 135.21
4. Milan 121.59
5. beetlejews 108.4

Top 5 DD
1. #33ccffAraThoR 2569.29
2. Throne! 1869.21
3. Danya# 1697.44
4. AdiGe 1022.24
5. famaon 968.83

Last 5 Forum Posts
Learn to race... by UnknowN[BR]
@pump_upp - best crypto pumps on telegram ! by B!BeR_Do$
SKC|B!BER_DO$ untolerable behavior by B!BeR_Do$
Merry Christmas by Tr4veleR
race represent by Ryuzaki


Who's Who
Dockinoke is SKC's Italian fratello and our new overlord!

TD Mystic and Whiskey looked after the SKC clan, and Whiskey was also our site admin.

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