
SKC|B!BER_DO$ untolerable behavior
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Posted: 17 Feb 2022, 21:28    Post subject: SKC|B!BER_DO$ untolerable behavior


I want to report an admin, because he definititely doesn't behave like an admin should. Hell, he doesn't even behave like a normal player should.

I did nothing to this guy, and he started to call me like mentally ill and stuff like that on the MTA Racing Community discord.

I show 3 screenshots, though there is definitely more proof out there, but these 3 represent him well.

After he said these things, I joined to the SKC Vanilla server, and said "this is where the internet cyberbully hides". Then he abused his admin rights, and banned me with no reason.

Hopefully, these screenshots will make you to the decision to demote this member if not else.

skc3.png (12.38 KiB) Viewed 27050 times

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Posted: 17 Feb 2022, 21:54    Post subject: Re: SKC|B!BER_DO$ untolerable behavior

Leaders will decide about demotion. i hope i wont get demoted
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Posted: 17 Feb 2022, 21:56    Post subject: Re: SKC|B!BER_DO$ untolerable behavior

Leaders have decided to take no further action
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Posted: 18 Feb 2022, 04:12    Post subject: Re: SKC|B!BER_DO$ untolerable behavior

bib too powerful. i banned him and then unbanned himself and then banned me trying to defend your honor. gg i did the best i could
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Posted: 20 Feb 2022, 15:46    Post subject: Re: SKC|B!BER_DO$ untolerable behavior

you can also call the police to punish bieber
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Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 08:15    Post subject: Re: SKC|B!BER_DO$ untolerable behavior

The high council of SKC has decided to not tolerate such behaviour. Therfor we will take actions and ban your account.

If you wish your ban to be lifted you can always ask Biber if he accepts your apology for being a snitch

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Posted: 11 Jul 2022, 16:32    Post subject: Re: SKC|B!BER_DO$ untolerable behavior

I for one find bieber's behavious unnaceptable, and if it were up to me he'd at the very least lose his admin rights.

You have my full support Patya.
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Posted: 27 Nov 2022, 16:11    Post subject: Re: SKC|B!BER_DO$ untolerable behavior

"this is where the internet cyberbully hides".

YOU ASKED FOR IT >>>( MY OPINION ) : Without this comment you would've been active and playing happily right now...

Apoligize to him, he is kind person ( plus Christmas Holidays are coming ) he may spare your soul and unban you.

And for future don't mess with the admins and even irl , if someone's in joke/silly mood he will show it to you,
people these days are sensitive and when you don't know someone personally and don't know what their reaction will be could put you in situations you do not want to be :) :)

- Have blessed holidays and stay safe! :)

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Posted: 08 Dec 2022, 15:30    Post subject: Re: SKC|B!BER_DO$ untolerable behavior

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